DMSG Coaches
E-learning platform for body and soul
Improved quality of life for people with MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that affects the brain and spinal cord, usually beginning gin early adulthood.
In order to improve the quality of life of MS sufferers, and to enable them to lead a largely self-determined life, DMSG’s service profile is being supplemented sustainably; through, for example, further training for specialists in outpatient and inpatient care services, and also from now on, through online offers, such as an e-learning platform.
Training for mind and body from home

The "DMSG-Coaches" platform uses Drupal-based Opigno to offer courses that can contribute to physical and mental well-being. This allows users to participate in courses such as mindfulness, relaxation, or movement training from home.
The new site is based on the Opigno e-learning platform. The Opigno platform offers many advantages, such as its simple functionality. It is, therefore, easy to use for both backend users and course participants.
Interaction of backend, frontend and UX
To create the e-learning platform, it was necessary to develop a new home page based on Drupal and Opigno. The goal was to provide different landing pages, one for registered users and another for guests.
Opigno is primarily an open-source e-learning platform that specialises in creating, managing and delivering online courses. It, therefore, has some limitations in terms of design and customisation options. Because of this, a new approach had to be found for the creation of appealing landing pages.

The UX team was involved to design a homepage that was attractive and appealing, especially for non-registered users, to invite them to stay and inform them additionally. This page includes an initial overview of the available courses, quotes from participants, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
To create a functioning homepage, it was necessary to develop many elements from scratch, including adaptations to Opigno. However, with all the changes made to the system, it was important to change the existing Opigno code as little as possible to enable continued benefit from updates. This ensures that security updates do not affect the newly created system, and that new development processes are not required for each cumulative update.